Sunday, November 13, 2016

Winter is Coming

I suffered the summer’s heat, and was a little disappointed to find October was much too warm for the season. Basically, I’m looking forward to the cold. Most people hate the cold, and if we’re talking sub-zero temperatures, I’m with you… But I’ll gladly take 28°F to 48°F this time of year.

It’s an amazing feeling to bundle yourself up into a nice warm sweater while breathing in the cool crisp air. It’s so much easier to chase away the chill in the fall than to draw off the heat in the summer. The weight of the extra blanket comforts you in the night as you snuggle into bed.

And don’t forget the best holidays are just around the corner. While I’m generally partial to the charm of Halloween, the flavors of Thanksgiving and Christmas along with the love of family and friends lifts the spirit and fills the air with a sense of hope and joy.

If you cannot find the love and joy in your life, perhaps your spirit has been poisoned. You must draw the poison out and cleanse yourself of hatred lest your soul wither and die. Cast away your fear and anger, and strive to enjoy life as it is. You can’t make a better tomorrow unless you make peace with today.

