A Comic Meets Reddit

A Comic Meets Reddit

For the past two weeks, and this will make three, I’ve been submitting my weekly comic to reddit. Needless to say, the results were less than encouraging.

To be fair, it wasn’t exactly a gut punch either. For the most part, the strip was basically ignored. A couple of upvotes, but no one said anything bad about it… but they didn’t say anything good, either… but at least they didn’t say anything bad.

For a while, I had been trying to avoid reddit. Forums like reddit have always been able to have an emotional impact on their users, but once certain groups realized the potential, they started to use it to push their agenda. I figured that out long before the whole Russian troll farm came to light, and as a result I deleted nearly all of my history several years ago.

But recently I’ve started logging back in because I would like to get my comic’s name out there, and sadly, reddit is actually a pretty good vehicle for that task. In fact, it’s the least reprehensible place on the internet that gives you easy access to a very large audience. Most social media requires you to build a following, and I really don’t have the patience for that.

And yes, I’m /r/f2x on reddit. A genuine 3ch with eleven years. I actually remember reddit before the doxing, before the brigading, before the general IQ dropped to the level of your typical hair-triggered middle aged spinster on Facebook. Reddit just ain’t what it used to be, but at least they have some really cute animals in /r/aww.



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One Response to A Comic Meets Reddit

  1. The oldest rater says:

    Yup, that’s pretty much how it is.

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