First Time Skydiving

A man always wanted to go skydiving and was finally able to gather the courage. He went to the airport and inquired about what is involved in the jump.

The manager explained the procedure to him: “We are expert chute packers and have never had a failure. We will take you up in the plane and tell you when to jump out. You’ll pull the main chute ripcord. It always works, but if it doesn’t, you’ll pull the auxiliary chute ripcord. You’ll float softly to the ground, and we will meet you in that truck over there.”

The man decided to go for it. The plane took off and circled the airfield.

He jumped out and the main chute failed. He pulled the second ripcord and that failed.

As the man looked down towards the fast approaching ground, he muttered, “I bet that damned truck isn’t there either.”

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