Naughty Parrot

A nice old church lady walks into a pet store and asks the man at the front “what would be a good pet for me?”
After some thought, he showed her to a few cats,
“They are lovable, easy to take care of, and these guys love to cuddle up.”
After some thought, and looking around the store, she had almost given up, when she spots a talking Parrot.
“It’s perfect!” She exclaimed!!
” Wow, hold on, this parrot swears and is a bad pet, I don’t think it’s a good idea!” Contested the store clerk.
But she had already made up her mind, she had raised five boys to be polite young men. A parrot should be easy she thought.
As she got the parrot home she remembered she had a tea appointment with the local priest and he was due any min. She quickly put the parrot and cage on the couch and went to run to her room when she heard the parrot shreak “watch it bitch weeoow!!”
But in a rush she brushed it off and ran to her room to prepare.
After a few moments passed, the priest arrived and they sat down to their tea and biscuits.
“Well this is lovely, but I must ask about the bird? Is he new” asked the priest.
“Yes he’s…”and before she could finish the sentence the parrot cried out “he’s got a big dick weeow, he’s got a big dick” and kept repeating.
In complete embarrassment she quickly grabbed the bird, ran to her kitchen, opened up the freezer and threw the bird, cage and all in.
After a few moments in the freezer the bird looked over to see a frozen chicken beside him.

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