A Wife goes to the doctor, complaining of her husband’s lack of sex drive and desire.
After listening to the woman for a while the doctor said, “I have just the thing. Have your husband take two of these pills right before dinner.”
The next morning, the woman stormed into the doctor’s office and exclaimed, “You have to change my husband’s prescription; it is much too strong! I gave him the pills before dinner, just like you told me, and halfway through dinner they took effect. He got a wild look in his eyes, then pulled the tablecloth off the table, breaking all of the dishes! Then he threw me onto the table, and we made love right then and there!”
“I feel just awful about this,” said the doctor. “I’d like to make it up to you. Let me at least pay for all of the broken dishes.”
“Don’t worry about it,” replied the woman, “We probably won’t be eating at that restaurant anymore.”