“It’s really quite simple,” said the Doctor. “We take a donor egg, replace the DNA inside with the DNA from one of your sperm, then we inseminate the egg with the sperm from your partner. After that, it’s just like any other in vitro fertilization procedure.”
Bruce and Dillon were beside themselves with joy that they were about to become the biological parents of their very own baby.
It was nine months later when they rushed to the hospital as their surrogate went into labor.
Immediately following the birth, they peered though the observation window in the hospital nursery and noticed that all but one of the babies were crying. They were even more amazed that the smiling happy baby turned out to be their very own.
One of the men remarked to the nurse at the window about how content their baby was.
“Well, he’s happy now,” replied the nurse, “but watch what happens when we pull the thermometer out of his ass.”