Better Things to Do

Flush Twice is 20 years old now. It’s about time I tried something new with it.

I’ve told all the jokes I’m going to tell, so let’s trying something a little different. I’m going to start posting links to various sites that I think might be more interesting than what you are doing right now. Think of it like a sort of grab bag for things to do online.

To be completely honest, I have almost no idea how this is actually going to work, but over the years I have amassed a huge collection of bookmarks. So many in fact that I have a bookmark toolbar with folders titled “A” through “Z” and I drop new bookmarks into them all the time.

Of course some of these are going to be sites you have probably already heard about, but some people might not know about them. I might also be featuring really obvious sites that pretty much everyone knows. I can assure you they are not monetized adverts, but rather merely cataloging these sites for the sake of completeness and posterity.

At some point I might add a visitor suggestion box. I’m a little apprehensive about doing so, because “spamvertisers” are still a thing, and I really do not feel like wading through that quagmire. If and when I find the right plug-in, we might give it a go.

Oh, and putting any sort of links in the comment section is still forbidden, so don’t even try it.

Of course if you do have comments or suggestions and don’t want to wait for a suggestion box, I may still be contacted by means of flush2x at that enormously popular email website ran by google.

And from time to time I will post a new comic, but other than releasing them only on Saturdays, I will not be keeping to any predictable schedule.

Well OK then. See you tomorrow with our first featured site in the “Better Things” category.