Again and Again

and Again and Again…

Some people never learn. On the other hand, some people learn bad habits. I’m afraid Tyler and Toni are doomed to be that couple.

It’s easy to vilify Tyler. After all, he is essentially a walking asshole. If you were to dislike him because of his abrasive nature, you would be forgiven. Even his best friends hate him.

But then you have Toni. She bumped into him and led him back on, and like any stray mutt, Tyler followed her home. Now that she’s feeling the ache of regret, she’ll predictably cast herself in the role of the victim. With nowhere else to go, Tyler morphs into the part of the adversary.

Admit it. You know this couple. The names are different, but the relationship is the same. Just when you think it’s finally over, they do it again and again and again.



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