Do Unto Others

Do Unto Others

I’m not a “nice guy”. I used to be one, but that was a long time ago. Nope, I don’t even pretend now. If you get too fresh, I’ll look you straight in the eye, stick a knife in you, and tell you to fuck off and die. Does that sound like a nice guy? Didn’t think so.

It’s a defense mechanism. I’ve learned the hard way on far too many occasions that if you try to be nice to people, they will throw you under the bus and rape your corpse. On the other hand, if you shut people out and otherwise mind your own fucking business, then while you might get a little lonely from time to time, life just got a whole hell of a lot easier.

Now what’s that glum look on your face about? Don’t look so depressed. Try to look slightly pissed off instead. There, that’s the look. Now you too can exude that aura of contempt for mankind so that people won’t assume you’re some kind of pushover. Go get ’em, kid!



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