Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Cold That Wasn’t

Man, I feel like I dodged a bullet this week. I think it was Tuesday that I stopped at Costco and got my flu shot. They only cost $20 there, and it’s on my way home. Needless to say a lot of people at work have been coughing and sniffing recently. ‘Tis the season as they say, so Thursday I started to feel that familiar tickle down the back of my throat, and by Friday the 13th, that tickle became rather unpleasant.

As I entered the weekend, I braced for what I fully expected to be a case of the crud. I cleaned my sinuses in the sink, took some Sudafed (the stuff that you sign for), took some vitamins, and ate some comfort food before going to bed. To my delight, I awoke without even a trace of symptoms. I felt… good. And that’s better than I usually feel.

This Sunday morning was was the same. No cold symptoms. I’m relieved, but still a little nervous. No one likes to get sick, but it’s one of those things that some of us have a hard time avoiding. Eventually I’m going to wipe my eye after touching a contaminated surface, and before you know it, I’ll be sick as a dog.

But for now I’m grateful. I have my health, and I don’t feel like existence is pain. I hope you feel just as well.


George is on vacation, so let’s thank that sick puppy Glenn for the jokes this week. Yes, nothing says Christmas like a bunch of dirty jokes. Won’t you please consider sending some non-prurient humor to our submission page or

“Be careful, as once you lose your health, it may be gone forever.” ― Steven Magee

