A Magic Trick
This comic is being retro-posted. That is to say, it’s actually Sunday evening, but I’m backing it’s post time up to Saturday for the sake of having a neat looking archive.
So basically, there’s been some changes since I was last in the Army, and while the Universal Camouflage Pattern is still viable, the wear out date is set for October of 2019. After that, everyone has to be in the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP). Since I no longer keep in touch with anyone in the Army, I can only guess what Army units are wearing. I’m guessing that since OCP has been available for two years, and UCP only has two years left, leadership probably expects everyone to have transitioned by now.
Of course, this is only a guess. If anyone is still in the Army and would like to clue me in as to what everyone is currently wearing, please drop me a line: flush2x@gmail.com