An Awful Relationship
Initially they had a sexual relationship, but because Toni has an aversion to intimacy, their sex life didn’t last. Sadly, they’ve never really shared anything in common, and being around them for more than a few minutes gives one the distinct impression that she’s not into him sexually, and the only thing he likes about her is the sex.
And to make matters worse, even if the fire ever returned to their love life, Tyler is a “Minute Man” in the sack. You’d think this would be a desirable trait to a person who doesn’t like intimacy, but Toni sees it as a deep character flaw in Tyler and resents him for it.
Yes, this is a very, very awful relationship, and you probably know a couple like this in real life. Fortunately in real life, these things run their course and end, but here in the lab, we can keep this reaction going indefinitely.