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Almost Filler

You know, I’ve got story lines for comics in my head that I’d love to make, but I haven’t figured out how to make them yet. It’s not exactly writer’s block… It’s artists block. I can’t do the art, so the scripts are practically worthless.

If I lost you on that, try to understand that there are certain limitations to the method I developed to create comics. I’d love to make those dramatic angles and move beyond characters depicted in 3/4 view. Since I’ve had no formal training in art, most of what I try to do doesn’t work right.

So to sum it up, I’ve got these stories to tell, but the look has to be right or it just doesn’t work. In the end I scrapped my original plan and went with what I know.



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2 Responses to Enable On

  1. Nobody U. Know says:

    I so know what you mean about being unable to capture the picture in your head.

    I don’t know whether to regret that most humans lack that ability, or breathe a sigh of relief.

    • f2x says:

      I’m going with “breathe a sigh of relief”. Even if most people could do it, it’s my dumb luck I’d be among the schmucks who still couldn’t.

      Sure, I complain that I’m not as far along as I’d like, but because I’ve stuck with it, it’s a fair bit further along than many others have gotten.

      Holy shit… I just realized something… It’s mid-January. That’s this comic’s anniversary… Um… 2017-2004 = 13 years! FlushTwice.com itself will be 14 years old as of May 16th! Woohoo! We’re older than Facebook! It’s like being an internet antique!

      Seriously… How much longer will the internet as we know it exist? I should be able to easily live another 40 to 50 years. Will I still be telling jokes and making comics in 2067? Assuming I’m still around, what would Flush Twice even look like that far in the future?


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