Out of town on business, Jerry went to an infamous brothel, known for a gal named Sally. He was shown to her room, and found her laying naked on the bed. “Go ahead, but let me know how it is,” she said.
After a few minutes Jerry said, “It’s not bad but a bit loose.”
“Get off for a moment,” said Sally
Jerry got up, and Sally reached down and fiddled about with her privates.
“Try it now.” she said.
He did and found it was a little better but still a too loose. He told her so, and she repeated her actions. When Jerry tried it again it was perfect!
After Jerry had finished, he asked, “How do you manage to adjust its size to fit anyone?”
“Well,” she said, “I’ve been in this business for some time and have developed warts on one side and wormholes on the other. I just button them up.”