Where the sticky drivers come from

Where the sticky drivers come from

One of the biggest challenges when making a web comic (other than drawing the art) is fitting in the speech bubbles. It’s actually a lot trickier than it looks. I already knew today’s comic was going to be unusually text heavy, and I was kind of dreading it. Fortunately I didn’t feel like I had to make too many compromises and I think the comic turned out pretty good in spite of everything.

It looks like this is my last comic for 2024. Not a bad year. I managed to eek out 9 comics in total. It’s funny to think that back in 2004 I put out 326 comics, but 20 years later I’m patting myself on my back for making a paltry 9 comics. A lot has changed since that first year. I’m a lot older/fatter/balder, but I’m in a better place mentally and financially. Sadly the same cannot be said for the state of this world.

Twenty years and I have more junk than I know what to do with. Twenty years and the amount on the debts that I owe has barely changed, but that’s not so much money anymore. Twenty years and I know a lot more dead people than living people even though I keep meeting new people. Twenty years and I still feel like there’s something just out of reach that I’m missing, but I just don’t know what it is.

In any event, I’ve got more comics coming in 2025, so stay tuned and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



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